A conventional response to thanks indicating that the action was granted freely.
Examples for "don't worry about it"
Examples for "don't worry about it"
1The opening paragraph implied it was nothing more than a technical paper.
2She meant nothing; it was nothing to her who the people were.
3Fine, he wanted to act like it was nothing, she'd let him.
4Within minutes, it was nothing more than a pool of greenish goo.
5I wanted you to know it was nothing to do with me.
1You cannot know my pleasure to feel again my strength set free.
2I couldn't help my pleasure at being the focus of their attention.
3It is my pleasure to hold this press conference with Carolyn Wilkins.
4It quite spoiled my pleasure, even though he went away straight after.
5And as I see the characters working it out, that's my pleasure.
1Ocana said that Spain faced no problem in meeting its debt needs.
2I have no problem distinguishing between comic book reality and our reality.
3Not ten minutes ago, you said you had no problem with that.
4Mr Eichel said he saw no problem with the euro's recent decline.
5Kardashian's own family members have no problem working with fast fashion brands.
1I thought it was delicious, but you're welcome to cut that back.
2It's not the best quality but you're welcome to what I have.
3Anyhow, no matter, you're welcome to stay with us on the trip.
4I said, ' you're welcome'; and with a little difficulty he came out.
5So far as I'm concerned, you're welcome to follow it to blazes.
6But you're welcome here, as long as you've any reason to stay.
7I've got lots o' muscle to spare, and you're welcome to it.
8But I want you to know you're welcome to come along.
9So to all our esteemed members of the press I say, you're welcome.
10In two hours, you're welcome to come down and have a cigarette break.
11Tell you what, Fred, you're welcome to hang out with me.
12Every shilling in my wallet, the clothes off my back you're welcome to-
13If the hint is of any use to you, you're welcome.
14If you think I stole those hideous earrings you're welcome to.
15If you can think of a better you're welcome to try.
16For that matter, you're welcome to tell her so from me.